On 2020-02-15 10:06 a.m., Paul Moore wrote:
On Sat, 15 Feb 2020 at 12:17, Alex Walters <tritium-l...@sdamon.com> wrote:
> Telling someone you are trying to convince to do something to go learn something else 
to "get on your level" as the youth would put it... is not how you get people to 
agree with you.
> To summarize this thread, as I see it so far
> * you asked about adding a feature with the name "traits" to the language.
> * it was pointed out that "traits", in context, has a meaning on computer 
> * Rust's implementation of traits is some order of magnitude different from 
the plutonic ideal of traits
> * Rust, not being python, has to have its concepts translated.  Your version 
of the translation of the rust concept is further from the plutonic ideal of a 
trait than other users on this list.
> * You were asked to nail down a definition of what you are talking about
> I think I have the order of events here.  I still haven't seen a clear 
definition of what you actually want to propose.  I'm not convinced of what traits 
are, let alone there are worthwhile, and then that they would warrant changing the 
syntax of the language.

Having followed this thread, but not participated, I would go as far
as to say that whether traits as a concept are something useful for
Python, I would not be willing to accept a proposal on them from
someone with the attitude that has been displayed by the OP. I have no
confidence that he will consider the impact of their proposal on other
users of Python who do not have his understanding, and as that's
pretty key to any proposal getting accepted, the whole discussion
seems unlikely to get anywhere.

I'm happy to see a proposal for a traits mechanism in Python, just not
from the Soni L (unless there's an extremely visible change in his
attitude and approach).

I'm a they.

and at least I don't tell ppl they're wrong when they're trying to explain to me what they mean. but hey I'm glad there are still ppl trying to make others feel unwelcome on the python-ideas mailing list, gives me a reason to steer ppl away from python.

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