On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 7:57 PM Marc-Andre Lemburg <m...@egenix.com> wrote:
> The idea to use "-" in the context of strings may have some
> merrit. Not as unary minus, but as sequence operation and
> shorthand for str.removesuffix(x):
> s = 'abc' + 'def' - 'ef' + 'gh'
> giving
> s == 'abcdgh'
> Removing suffixes from strings is a rather common operation.

+1, although it's debatable whether it should be remove suffix or
remove all. I'd be happy with either.

> Removing prefixes is common as well, so perhaps "~" could be
> mapped to str.removeprefix():
> s = 'abcdef' ~ 'abc'
> giving
> s == 'def'

Less obvious but convenient also. Unfortunately, tilde is a unary
operator, so this won't actually work.

> In a similar way, "/" could be mapped to str.split(), since that's
> probably even more common:
> l = 'a,b,c,d' / ','
> giving:
> l == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

Definitely. In any language that supports this, I use it frequently.
It should be matched with seq*str to join:

["a", "b", "c","d"] * ","

to give "a,b,c,d".

> Looking at the examples, I'm not sure how well this would play out
> in the context of just using variables, though:
> s = a - s
> s = a / c
> s = a ~ p

In my experience, there's often one constant and one variable involved, such as:

lines = data / "\n"
words = line / " "
outputfile = inputfile - ".md" + ".html"

> By adding such operators we could potentially make math functions
> compatible with strings by the way of duck typing, giving some
> really weird results, instead of errors.

Maybe, but I wouldn't consider that to be a particularly high
priority. If they work, great, if they don't, so be it. The math
module itself is primarily focused on float math, not even int.


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