On Thu, 23 Jun 2022 at 11:35, Joao S. O. Bueno <jsbu...@python.org.br> wrote:
> Martin Di Paola wrote:
> > Three cases: Dask/PySpark, Django's ORM and selectq. All of them
> > implement deferred expressions but all of them "compute" them in very
> > specific ways (aka, they plan and execute the computation differently).
> So - I've been hit with the "transparency execution of deferred code" dilemma
> before.
> What happens is that: Python, at one point will have to "use" an object - and 
> that use
> is through calling one of the dunder methods. Up to that time, like, just 
> writing the object name
> in a no-operation line, does nothing. (unless the line is in a REPL, which 
> will then call the __repr__
> method in the object).

Why are dunder methods special? Does being passed to some other
function also do nothing? What about a non-dunder attribute?

Especially, does being involved in an 'is' check count as using an object?

dflt = fetch_cached_object("default")
mine = later fetch_cached_object(user.keyword)
if mine is dflt: ... # "using" mine? Or not?

Does it make a difference whether the object has previously been poked
in some other way?

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