On 7/7/22 18:22, Steve Jorgensen wrote:

> After some playing around, I figured out a pattern that works without any 
changes to the
> implementations of `dataclass` or `Enum`, and I like this because it keeps 
the 2 kinds of
> concern separate. Maybe I'll try submitting an MR to add an example like this 
to the
> documentation for `Enum`.
> In [1]: from dataclasses import dataclass
> In [2]: from enum import Enum
> In [3]: @dataclass(frozen=True)
>     ...: class CreatureDataMixin:
>     ...:     size: str
>     ...:     legs: int
>     ...:
> In [4]: class Creature(CreatureDataMixin, Enum):
>     ...:     BEETLE = ('small', 6)
>     ...:     DOG = ('medium', 4)
>     ...:
> In [5]: Creature.DOG
> Out[5]: Creature(size='medium', legs=4)

I'm impressed that you found a way to make it work. Be aware that some of the bug-fixing in 3.11 has changed the resulting repr() -- the above now looks like:

<Creature.DOG: CreatureDataMixin(size='medium', legs=4)>

It would be possible to have Enum check to see if the data type is a dataclass, and then see if the repr is set to be automatically created:

>>> CreatureDataMixin.__dataclass_params__

I'll have to look into that.

It does seem like a lot of extra work, or at least no less work, than just 
writing an `__init__` in the enum class directly.

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