can I do it the otherway, that issavedata('nameoflist')

for limited cases where your variable is defined globally, you can use:

  >>> a = [1,2,3,4]
  >>> def save(s):
  ...     print globals().get(s, "UNDEFINED")
  >>> save("a")
  [1, 2, 3, 4]
  >>> save("b")
  >>> b = (6,5,4,3)
  >>> save("b")
  (6, 5, 4, 3)

However, it's a hideous hack, and fragile as demonstrated by

  >>> x = 7000
  >>> def baz():
  ...     x = (7,8,9) # this isn't in save()'s globals()
  ...     save("x")
  >>> baz()
  >>> x = 8000
  >>> baz()

and using locals() doesn't help either:

  print locals().get(s, globals().get(s, "UNDEFINED"))

and has even weirder (but totally understandable) behavior:

  >>> save("s")  # "s" hasn't been defined in globals()

Just pass the filename as a string, and skip trying to sniff internal variable-names. Or you'll experience a world of headaches.



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