On 7/17/09 4:11 AM, Bearophile wrote:
Very good, thank you. I'll try it when I can.

Is Psyco3 going to borrow/steal some ideas/code from Unladen Swallow?

Psyco3: nice typo! :-)

Well, I haven't so far found a new idea there that I'd want
to borrow and did not know from PyPy, before.
Wasn't the project plan saying the opposite, borrowing
some ideas from psyco? :-)

The problem I have with Psyco1.6 is that you can't use the normal
profilers to know how much seconds of running time is taken by each
function/method of your code.

Yes, the profiler hooks are not useful with psyco. You need
to write extra functions for timing, as we do in the benchmark

Psyco1.6 has a profile() function, but I am not much able to use it

The profile() function is used for profile driven compilation,
as opposed to psyco.full(). This will go away, pretty soon.
Psyco will only be switched on or off.

Maybe I will add an option for profiling the compiled code.
Interesting idea!

cheers - chris

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