On 23-07-2009, Christian Tismer wrote:
> On 7/17/09 4:11 AM, Bearophile wrote:
>> Very good, thank you. I'll try it when I can.
>> Is Psyco3 going to borrow/steal some ideas/code from Unladen Swallow?
> Psyco3: nice typo! :-)
> Well, I haven't so far found a new idea there that I'd want
> to borrow and did not know from PyPy, before.
> Wasn't the project plan saying the opposite, borrowing
> some ideas from psyco? :-)
> http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/wiki/ProjectPlan

How do you see the futur of psyco when unladen-swallow will grab the 
best of psyco (if they can !) ?

Wait and see ?

Anyway, thanks a lot for your work that we can use NOW !

William Dodé - http://flibuste.net
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