In message <>, Ian Kelly 

> On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 8:31 PM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro
> <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:
>> Except I only needed two calls to SQLString, while you need two dozen
>> instances of that repetitive items.c boilerplate.
>> As a human, being repetitive is not my job. That’s what the computer is
>> for.
> Then why do you have every parameter prefixed with "modify_"? 8-)

Touché :). Actually it’s because the same form can be used to add a new 
record to the table, so there’s a separate set of input fields for that.

> But seriously, if that bothers you, then fold the "items.c." portion
> into the generator expression with a getattr call.  Or just change
> them back to the same strings you had originally, and sqlalchemy will
> be just as happy to accept them as-is.

All this trouble, and it only gets rid of 2 of the 3 instances of data-
escaping in the example.

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