Andrew Evans wrote:
Hello I am generating a PDF in web2py but its ignoring my line breaks.

 randname = random.randrange(1, 10001)
        styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
        title = "My Title"
        doc = SimpleDocTemplate("primer.pdf")
        story = []
story.append(Paragraph(strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", gmtime()),styles["Heading2"])) para = ParagraphStyle(name="output", fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=12)
        story.append(Paragraph(str(result_list), para))

str(result_list) is converting the list into a string. Did you mean to
do that?
response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;filename='+str(randname)+'-.pdf'
        return"primer.pdf", 'rb'))

result_list is a generated list. The pdf ignores line breaks and outputs it as a list so [' '] are included also. Any idea how I can create line breaks and get rid of the [' ']


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