Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 3:27 AM, Prasad, Ramit
> <> wrote:
> > Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> >>
> >> On Wed, 21 Nov 2012 14:41:24 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
> >>
> >> > However, this still means that the player will see the exact same level
> >> > regenerated every time, absolutely fresh. As previously stated in this
> >> > thread, that's not usually a good thing for encounters, treasure, etc.
> >> > Once some nasty critter has been killed, he should STAY killed! :)
> >>
> >> Why? That isn't true in real life, why should it be true for games?
> >>
> >
> > It is not true in all games. I have seen games where treasures
> > regenerate in the same location except for key items. Same goes
> > for enemies (where only "bosses" do not regenerate). It really
> > just depends on the type of game you are playing--designing
> > in this case.
> Perhaps they regenerate, but do they regenerate from the exact same
> random seed? For instance, in Murkon's Refuge, the maps are
> handcrafted and thus constant every time you enter a particular level
> - but go downstairs and upstairs, and the monsters and treasure
> regenerate, different from last time.
> Of course, if the idea is that you're rewinding time, then it makes
> good sense for you to see the exact same pattern of enemies.

Hmm. I guess most of the games where I remember "regenerating"
enemies are a bit older. Chrono Trigger had enemies that 
would regenerate if you left a map screen and came back, but
then again it seems more likely that the enemies were hard
coded and not "generated" at all. Either that or they [games] are
like Diablo/Castlevania where monsters are constantly "generated".

I still hold the opinion that the seeding behavior depends on the 
game. I wonder what Nethack does?


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