hello Team,

I have this fairly simple script to iterate the dictionary items and check
if the items match certain values;

dictionary={'1234567890':001, '0987654321':002}
for k, v in dictionary.iteritems():
        .....  #suds client statements;

        if (k == '1234567890' and v == 001):
        elif (k == '0987654321' and v == 002):

During the first run of the dictionary items, the client.service.methodcall
is called only once as expected; and a success initiation response is
received from server. However, during the second run, the
client.service.methodcall is called twice - when i check the log files, i
see the client send request is done twice. Duplicate send requests of the
same parameters results in a error in inititating a connection.

Someone please show me why my second run results in the
client.service.methodcall() running twice. I can't seem to get a hang on


Ombongi Moraa Faith

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