On 15/04/2013 11:50, Ombongi Moraa Fe wrote:
hello Team,

I have this fairly simple script to iterate the dictionary items and
check if the items match certain values;

dictionary={'1234567890':001, '0987654321':002}
for k, v in dictionary.iteritems():
         .....  #suds client statements;

         if (k == '1234567890' and v == 001):
         elif (k == '0987654321' and v == 002):

During the first run of the dictionary items, the
client.service.methodcall is called only once as expected; and a success
initiation response is received from server. However, during the second
run, the client.service.methodcall is called twice - when i check the
log files, i see the client send request is done twice. Duplicate send
requests of the same parameters results in a error in inititating a

What makes you think there should be one call given the code above? client.service.methodcall must be called for every loop iteration, so there's one call with criteria 'test' and one with 'Running'. Note there's no guarantee that the calls will always take place in the same order. Slight aside there's no need for the round brackets in the if and elif above.

Someone please show me why my second run results in the
client.service.methodcall() running twice. I can't seem to get a hang on


Ombongi Moraa Faith

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Mark Lawrence


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