On 04/15/2013 06:50 AM, Ombongi Moraa Fe wrote:
hello Team,

I have this fairly simple script to iterate the dictionary items and check
if the items match certain values;

dictionary={'1234567890':001, '0987654321':002}
for k, v in dictionary.iteritems():
         .....  #suds client statements;

         if (k == '1234567890' and v == 001):
         elif (k == '0987654321' and v == 002):

That's not the whole script, since at the least, you need some code to import or create client, value1 and value2.

During the first run of the dictionary items,

What do you mean by that, exactly? Do you mean the first time around the loop? Or the first time the script is run? Or what?

the client.service.methodcall
is called only once as expected; and a success initiation response is
received from server. However, during the second run, the
client.service.methodcall is called twice - when i check the log files, i
see the client send request is done twice. Duplicate send requests of the
same parameters results in a error in inititating a connection.

Someone please show me why my second run results in the
client.service.methodcall() running twice. I can't seem to get a hang on

Why not take out the middleman, and just add some prints in the loop? I don't see any point in the loop; if you're sure there are exactly two items in the dict, just process those two items. If you're not sure, what do you want to happen when you encounter something that doesn't match either the if or the elif. Currently, you'll just repeat the last methodcall.

One final thing, a dict's order is not promised. So you may process these items in either as "Test" and "Running", or in the reverse order.

My guess is that this is not your actual code at all, and you're trying to "simplify" it for us. You probably have more than two items in the dict, and one of them is NOT matching any of the if/elif tests. Possibly it's not matching because of your mistaken use of octal. Octal won't hurt for ints below 8, but you probably don't restrict it in the real code. For example, v = 030 will not match equal in the following:
     elif v == 30:


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