On 19 June 2013 12:13,  <andrewblun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've seen some information on Blender.  Is it possible to have the entire 
> program contained within a single exe (or exe and some other files) so that 
> it can be passed around and used by others without having to install blender?

I don't know if Blender would cause problems for that but it's not
hard to install Blender generally; apparently there is a portable
version that can be simply unzipped on the target computer.

More generally, though, there are some legal issues relating to
packaging standard MSVC-compiled Python with all of its dependencies
in a single .exe file for Windows. The particular problem is the
Microsoft C runtime library. py2exe has some information about this

Generally Python is not designed with the intention that applications
would be packaged into a standalone executable file although a number
of projects exist to make that possible. Is it so hard for your users
to install Python and Blender if you tell them which files to download
and install?


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