On 8/26/22 14:37, gene heskett wrote:
> Greetings all;
> Its now become obvious that 3.10 has broken some things. I can't build 
> linuxcnc with it. And
> Octoprint has quit talking to 3d printers, now pronterface won't buy it, 
> can't find a 4.0.7
> version of wxPython with it sitting there staring at us.

I have Fedora 35 here, nearing it's end of life. It has Python 3.10.6,
and wxPython 4.0.7.  I installed Pronterface 2.0.0 from the Fedora repos
and it runs fine as near as I can tell.  So there's no inherent
incompatibility with Python 3.10 and wxPython 4.0.7.

> Whats chances of a fixed version for bookworm? Or even a bugs fixed 
> release for bullseye?

Seems like it is a distro-specific problem; I cannot replicate your
error with pronterface on Fedora 35.

I have no idea why octoprint won't work.

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