I wonder that today was the first day I stumbled over PEP668 / pipx and the "externally-managed-environment" problem. I migrated from Debian 11 to 12.

I'm developing some Python packages; applications and libraries. I never used virtual environments and wouldn't like to start with it. But I do use "--editable" for my packages. I wonder how I should go on with using "pipx" and "--editable" mode because I had some problems with it I couldn't fix following PEP668 but only with using "--break-system-packages". And PEP668 do not mention editable-mode.

The two example packages I use here are public available and clonable (is this a word?) via git.

Let's start with a command line application named "hyperorg" (https://codeberg.org/buhtz/hyperorg). I tried to install it via "pipx install -e .[develop]". It's pyproject.toml has a bug: A missing dependency "dateutil". But "dateutil" is not available from PyPi for Python 3.11 (the default in Debian 12). But thanks to great Debian they have a "python3-dateutil" package. I installed it. But "hyperorg" do ignore it and can't import it. Of course I re-installed hyperorg via pipx. Installing it via "pip" and "--break-system-packages" it works well and do see the "python3-dateutil" package.

The second example is a "library" named "buhtzology" (https://codeberg.org/buhtz/buhtzology). Here it seems that "pipx" do refuse to install it in the first place ("pipx install -e .[develop]") and gave me this message.

"No apps associated with package buhtzology. Try again with '--include-deps' to include apps of dependent packages, which are listed above. If you are attempting to install a library, pipx should not be used. Consider using pip or a similar tool instead."

What is the difference between an "app" (it is a google/apple marketing term used for software with user interaction. Just name it application.) and a "library" in context of pip(x)? Why does it count? I tried again with "pipx install --include-deps -e .[develop]" and got an output I'm not sure if this is an error or a success message. I assume it is an error because I'm not able to "import buhtzology". It seems like that the package was not installed.

⚠️  Note: normalizer was already on your PATH at /usr/bin/normalizer
⚠️  Note: f2py was already on your PATH at /usr/bin/f2py
⚠️  Note: f2py3 was already on your PATH at /usr/bin/f2py3
⚠️  Note: f2py3.11 was already on your PATH at /usr/bin/f2py3.11
⚠️  Note: py.test was already on your PATH at /usr/bin/py.test
⚠️  Note: pytest was already on your PATH at /usr/bin/pytest
⚠️ File exists at /home/user/.local/bin/pycodestyle and points to /home/user/.local/bin/pycodestyle, not /home/user/.local/pipx/venvs/buhtzology/bin/pycodestyle. Not modifying. ⚠️ File exists at /home/user/.local/bin/ruff and points to /home/user/.local/bin/ruff, not /home/user/.local/pipx/venvs/buhtzology/bin/ruff. Not modifying.
  installed package buhtzology 0.2.0.dev0, installed using Python 3.11.2
  These apps are now globally available
    - f2py
    - f2py3
    - f2py3.11
    - fonttools
    - normalizer
    - py.test
    - pyftmerge
    - pyftsubset
    - pytest
    - tabulate
    - ttx
    - pycodestyle (symlink missing or pointing to unexpected location)
    - ruff (symlink missing or pointing to unexpected location)
done! ✨ 🌟 ✨


$ python3 -c "import buhtzology"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'buhtzology'

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