On 22/02/2018 4:04 am, Vernon D. Cole wrote:
Ummm ... "I'm buried under a project right now, and I won't be able to get back to you until next Friday."

I'm afraid Bob is going to get quite frustrated if he gets upset about responses taking more than a few days to come in. While pywin32 has moved to github, I honestly don't expect the release cadence, nor the amount of time I can offer the project to change from what it has been over the last few years.

My day job has been burning up a lot of time, and we had an important Family Occasion on Saturday that ate the entire weekend. Sorry.  I will try to do better at context switching.

There's no need to apologize for life getting in the way of maintaining free and open source software.

You are heading in exactly the correct direction with the test suite.

As for a single copy of the source -- would it work to keep the stand-alone (Iron Python) distribution in the /adodbapi directory on GitHub, and just ignore the extra files (for the big distribution) by not putting them in the main manifest?  @Mark -- please chime in here...

I'm afraid I don't really know what is being asked here. adodbapi has been in pywin32 for many years - what changes exactly are being proposed? I see mention of IronPython, but I don't understand how IronPython components in pywin32 makes sense for either the people releasing pywin32 packages (ie, me), nor how IronPython users would take advantage of them (ie, I assume asking them to install pywin32 doesn't make sense).


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