On Mon, Nov 28, 2022 at 4:12 PM Bob Kline <bkl...@rksystems.com> wrote:
> ....
> Perhaps, for example, I'll be able to find something which is supposed
> to get released at application shutdown time but which isn't. ....

I've added some debug logging to the top of most methods in
pyscript.py, mostly just announcing that the method was invoked. I was
a little surprised to find that for each invocation of the macro seven
instances of the ScriptItem class were created, instead of just one.
So clearly I have yet to figure out exactly what a ScriptItem is. The
really interesting thing is that if I invoke the macro once for a
given run of the host application, the ScriptItem.Close() method is
called seven times, matching the seven times the ScriptItem
constructor is hit. However, if the macro is invoked twice for a run
of the host application, I still see only seven calls to
ScriptItem.Close(), even though there are now fourteen calls to the
ScriptItem constructor. Can I assume that this is a problem? Sure
smells like one. Where does the responsibility for calling the Close()
method ultimately fall?

Bob Kline
python-win32 mailing list

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