I've never felt a need to have the telnet commands to maya functionality
working. I tried it once with low commitment and the script didnt work
anymore and I didnt care enough to look onto it.
Whether I use eclipse+pydev, or coda, or whatever, I usually just have a
small snippet in the maya script editor like this:

import myNewTool; reload(myNewTool); myNewTool.Run()
# or whatever launches my script

and I just select and hit return.

I used to have completion set up in eclipse, but that was only important to
me when I was learning the api. Now, I just have the python commands
reference page up and I look at it.

Though, using eclipse for autocompletion is really nice when you are
developing pyqt apps for maya, since qt has way more classes and tons of
constants and whatnot. So it is faster than drilling down through their api
 On Oct 5, 2011 7:13 AM, "Farsheed Ashouri" <farsheed.asho...@gmail.com>
> gVim + Mapy
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