
To install or to not install, that is the question.

I was recently bitten by some lethal errors using pyusb. These were not in the pyusb code but came from lower layers as a consequence of misusing them.
The following correspondence with the maintenance crew was unsuccessful because the service aspect was not realized.
It turned out that the errors were a consequence of different installation requirements of the  different services.
I confess guilty of having too long ignored the features of the winusb service.
I have learned that DLLs need not be installed with winusb.
I have learned too that DLLs must be installed with the libusb0 service and the installed library must be used.
And it was the hard way to learn (using an apparently widely unknown technique called testing).
And that installation requirement is what you still have to learn!
I have enough logfiles to prove that.
This has consequences for the structure of pyusb, the features that can safely be provided, and the necessary restrictions that must be documented.
The good news is that for winusb served devices no changes are required.
Well, to proceed with my work on the installation guide, I need a formal agreement of the service thesis because that will dominate the bugfix procedure.
Who ever objects to this thesis should talk now or be silent for ever.
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