On 20 September 2016 at 03:03,  <sala...@web.de> wrote:
> I cleaned up my profiles the way you described and recreated them "manually",
> But sadly I still get error for the missing ...-armv5 profile.
> My android toolchains looks just like yours.
>> Can you try this, and send the full output (w/o any sort of editing,
>> ideally in an attached file):
>> $ qbs --version
>> $ qbs config --list
> I attached the output in txt-Files to the E-Mail.

Can you try to run your setup on a dead-simple hello world project?
Like, eg helloworld.qbs from


> Many thanks,
> Tobias
>> Gesendet: Montag, 19. September 2016 um 14:09 Uhr
>> Von: Ch'Gans <chg...@gna.org>
>> An: sala...@web.de
>> Cc: "qbs@qt-project.org" <qbs@qt-project.org>
>> Betreff: Re: Re: Re: [QBS] Support for Qt on Android
>> On 19 September 2016 at 20:39,  <sala...@web.de> wrote:
>> > I followed your instructions to setup the toolchain for Android
>> > but when I try to build a project with
>> > $ qbs profile:"qt57-andgcc49_armv7
>> > I still get the same error:
>> > "The profile 'qt57-andgcc49_armv7-armv5te' does not exist.".
>> Weird, if your profile is named "qt57-andgcc49_armv7", why Qbs
>> complains about "qt57-andgcc49_armv7-armv5te"? (w/ an extra '-armv5te'
>> suffix)
>> Are you sure you have all the correct Android toolchains installed?
>> Here is my NDK setup (latest release available online):
>> krys@krys-pc:~$ ls -1 /opt/android/android-ndk-r12b/toolchains/
>> aarch64-linux-android-4.9
>> arm-linux-androideabi-4.9
>> llvm
>> mips64el-linux-android-4.9
>> mipsel-linux-android-4.9
>> x86-4.9
>> x86_64-4.9
>> krys@krys-pc:~$ ls -1 /opt/android/android-ndk-r12b/prebuilt/
>> android-arm
>> android-arm64
>> android-mips
>> android-mips64
>> android-x86
>> android-x86_64
>> linux-x86_64
>> > I also tried using older Qt Version but they did not work either.
>> > At the moment I don't know what else to try.
>> Can you try this, and send the full output (w/o any sort of editing,
>> ideally in an attached file):
>> $ qbs --version
>> $ qbs config --list
>> For a quick glance at my Qbs setup:
>> krys@krys-pc:~$ qbs config profiles | grep architecture
>> profiles.android-arm64.qbs.architecture: "arm64"
>> profiles.android-armv5te.qbs.architecture: "armv5te"
>> profiles.android-armv7a.qbs.architecture: "armv7a"
>> profiles.android-mips.qbs.architecture: "mips"
>> profiles.android-mips64.qbs.architecture: "mips64"
>> profiles.android-x86.qbs.architecture: "x86"
>> profiles.android-x86_64.qbs.architecture: "x86_64"
>> profiles.clang.qbs.architecture: "x86_64"
>> profiles.gcc.qbs.architecture: "x86_64"
>> krys@krys-pc:~$ qbs config profiles | grep baseProfile
>> profiles.android-arm64.baseProfile: "android"
>> profiles.android-armv5te.baseProfile: "android"
>> profiles.android-armv7a.baseProfile: "android"
>> profiles.android-mips.baseProfile: "android"
>> profiles.android-mips64.baseProfile: "android"
>> profiles.android-x86.baseProfile: "android"
>> profiles.android-x86_64.baseProfile: "android"
>> profiles.qbs_autotests.baseProfile: "gcc"
>> profiles.qt55-lnxclang38_64.baseProfile: "clang"
>> profiles.qt55-lnxgcc53_64.baseProfile: "gcc"
>> profiles.qt56-lnxclang38_64.baseProfile: "clang"
>> profiles.qt56-lnxgcc53_64.baseProfile: "gcc"
>> profiles.qt57-andgcc49_armv7.baseProfile: "android-armv7a"
>> profiles.qt57-lnxclang38_64.baseProfile: "clang"
>> profiles.qt57-lnxgcc53_64.baseProfile: "gcc"
>> krys@krys-pc:~$ qbs config profiles.android
>> profiles.android.Android.ndk.appStl: "gnustl_shared"
>> profiles.android.Android.ndk.hostArch: "linux-x86_64"
>> profiles.android.Android.ndk.ndkDir: "/opt/android/android-ndk-r12b"
>> profiles.android.Android.ndk.toolchainVersion: "4.9"
>> profiles.android.Android.ndk.toolchainVersionNumber: "4.9"
>> profiles.android.Android.sdk.ndkDir: "/opt/android/android-ndk-r12b"
>> profiles.android.Android.sdk.sdkDir: "/opt/android/android-sdk-linux"
>> profiles.android.qbs.targetOS: ["android", "linux", "unix"]
>> profiles.android.qbs.toolchain: "gcc"
>> In the past, I had to nuke my full qbs config because i mixed release
>> and git version of qbs. Since then I'm trying to keep my profiles
>> clean and well organised as I do native Linux/Mac/Windows builds using
>> Gitlab CI system.
>> So, to start from a completely clean state:
>> 1. First, make sure that QtCreator doesn't mess up with your user's
>> Qbs profiles, the checkbox "Store profiles in Qt Creator settings
>> directory" in "Tools->Options->Qbs->Profiles" should be *checked*.
>> 2. Then, try to do a "soft nuke", like:
>> $ mv ~/.config/QtProject/qbs/ ~/.config/QtProject/qbs.old
>> $ mv ~/.config/QtProject/qbs.conf ~/.config/QtProject/qbs.conf.old
>> 3. Finally, start from scratch setting up Qt and Android from the
>> console (not from Qtc).
>> If you have same Android SDK/NDK, same Qbs and same setup as I
>> described (I hope i didn't forget anything), then it should work "same
>> as me"! ;)
>> > I would like to know which version of Qbs you were using?
>> Qbs 1.6.0 that comes with Qtc 4.1.0 as installed/updated by the Qt
>> online installer (released with Qt-5.7 I believe).
>> > and what the Qbs file you are building looks like?
>> Well, i did the test on a "big" project and i didn't save the
>> modifications (project is not ready for android), maybe i should try
>> with a very simple project.
>> Anyway you seem to have a problem with your Qbs profile(s), which
>> should be 100% independent of your Qbs building files.
>> Hope this helps!
>> Chris
>> > Thank you very much for your effort :)
>> >
>> > Tobias
>> >
>> >> Gesendet: Freitag, 16. September 2016 um 06:23 Uhr
>> >> Von: Ch'Gans <chg...@gna.org>
>> >> An: sala...@web.de
>> >> Cc: "Jake Petroules" <jake.petrou...@qt.io>, "qbs@qt-project.org" 
>> >> <qbs@qt-project.org>
>> >> Betreff: Re: Re: [QBS] Support for Qt on Android
>> >>
>> >> On 16 September 2016 at 15:47, Ch'Gans <chg...@gna.org> wrote:
>> >> > On 16 September 2016 at 01:49,  <sala...@web.de> wrote:
>> >> >> I am building on linux. I also tried setting up the toolchain with 
>> >> >> qbs-setup-toolchains but it would not
>> >> >> detect the android toolchain. So I tried to configure it  in the 
>> >> >> qbs-config-ui but it didn't help either
>> >> >> because I still got the error of the missing armv5 profile (which does 
>> >> >> not make any sense to me
>> >> >> because I am using armv7...).
>> >> >> In Qt Creator the profile looks fine to me and the profile it refers 
>> >> >> to actually exists in $HOME/.config
>> >> >> /QtProject/qbs/ but as I soon as QtC tries to parse the qbs it is 
>> >> >> looking for an armv5 profile which
>> >> >> does not exist. The issue is similiar to one of the bugs Jake referred 
>> >> >> to https://bugreports.qt.io
>> >> >> /browse/QBS-881.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Were you able to parse a qbs project with your profile for qt on 
>> >> >> Android?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Thanks for helping with my problem :)
>> >> >
>> >> > This is how far i manage to go:
>> >> >
>> >> > # After failing setting up the toolchain manually, i discovered a new
>> >> > qbs tool... ;)
>> >> > $ qbs-setup-android --ndk-dir /opt/android/android-ndk-r12b/ --sdk-dir
>> >> > /opt/android/android-sdk-linux/ android
>> >> > # Et voilĂ ! (almost)
>> >> >
>> >> > $ qbs-setup-qt /opt/Qt/5.7/android_armv7/bin/qmake qt57-andgcc49_armv7
>> >> > Creating profile 'qt57-andgcc49_armv7'.
>> >> > WARNING: You need to set up toolchain information before you can use
>> >> > this Qt version for building. However, no toolchain profile was found.
>> >> > Either create one using qbs-setup-toolchains and set it as this
>> >> > profile's base profile or add the toolchain settings manually to this
>> >> > profile.
>> >> >
>> >> > $ qbs config profiles.qt57-andgcc49_armv7.baseProfile android-armv7a
>> >> >
>> >> > # Cannot build my project, qbs tells me to set these up
>> >> > $ qbs config profiles.android.Android.ndk.toolchainVersion 4.9
>> >> > $ qbs config profiles.android.Android.ndk.hostArch linux-x86_64
>> >> > $ qbs config profiles.android.Android.ndk.toolchainVersionNumber 4.9
>> >> >
>> >> > At this stage, i can run qbs, but my build fails, due to some weird
>> >> > STL issues i am currently investigating... (can't find "algorithm"
>> >> > header)
>> >> > Qbs tries to build my code with
>> >> > "-isystem/opt/android/android-ndk-r12b/sources/cxx-stl/system/include",
>> >> > which should be instead
>> >> > "-isystem/opt/android/android-ndk-r12b/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.9/include/"
>> >> > This is where the header is located, and this is where android-g++
>> >> > mkspec points to.
>> >> > I'm currently investigating the source of
>> >> > /opt/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/share/qtcreator/qbs/share/qbs/modules/cpp/android-gcc.qbs
>> >> >
>> >> > Just found a workaround, i'm pretty sure i should set that in my own
>> >> > qbs files, but will do for now
>> >> > $ qbs config profiles.android.Android.ndk.appStl gnustl_shared
>> >> >
>> >> > And now trying to solve another issue:
>> >> > arm-linux-androideabi-g++: error: unrecognized command line option
>> >> > '--fix-cortex-a8'
>> >> >
>> >> > Which is set in
>> >> > /opt/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/share/qtcreator/qbs/share/qbs/modules/Android/ndk/utils.js
>> >> > when abi is "armeabi-v7a", which is my case, ... weird!
>> >>
>> >> This one is related to the new way (Qbs-1.6) of declaring linkerFlags,
>> >> I got a warning message about this:
>> >> WARNING: Enabling linker flags compatibility mode. cpp.linkerFlags and
>> >> cpp.platformLinkerFlags escaping is handled automatically beginning in
>> >> Qbs 1.6. When upgrading to Qbs 1.6, you should only pass raw linker
>> >> flags to these properties; do not escape them using -Wl or -Xlinker.
>> >> This allows Qbs to automatically supply the correct linker flags
>> >> regardless of whether the linker chosen is the compiler driver or
>> >> system linker (see the documentation for cpp.linkerMode for more
>> >> information). This message can be silenced by setting your Project's
>> >> minimumQbsVersion to 1.6 (and the new behavior will take effect).
>> >>
>> >> My understanding is that the old behaviour is kept if i don't
>> >> explicitly require Qbs 1.6 (which is my case so far), yet
>> >> modules/Android/ndk/utils.js returns linker flags without the -Wl
>> >> prefix, which seems to cause troubles...
>> >>
>> >> OK, I have now switched to minimumQbsVersion="1.6", and the error is gone.
>> >>
>> >> BTW, why do i have to set minimumQbsVersion="1.6" in all my
>> >> sub-projects? I thought this was enough to set that up in the
>> >> top-level project...
>> >>
>> >> So, FYI, I am now able to build my whole project for Android as
>> >> described above! \o/
>> >> I now have to work on deployment, and see if it runs!
>> >>
>> >> Chris
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> >
>> >> > Will keep posted!
>> >> >
>> >> > Chris
>> >> >
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. September 2016 um 02:07 Uhr
>> >> >>> Von: "Chris Gagneraud" <chg...@googlemail.com>
>> >> >>> An: sala...@web.de
>> >> >>> Cc: "Jake Petroules" <jake.petrou...@qt.io>, "qbs@qt-project.org" 
>> >> >>> <qbs@qt-project.org>
>> >> >>> Betreff: Re: [QBS] Support for Qt on Android
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> > QtCreator manage its own Qbs profiles, that you cannot (easily) 
>> >> >>> > re-use
>> >> >>> > "manually".
>> >> >>> > Have you try to run "qbs setup-toolchain" and see if it picks up the
>> >> >>> > android one?
>> >> >>> >
>> >> >>> >Chris
>> >> >>> I've just tried here, after installing all Android, Java and Qt
>> >> >>> packages and selecting an android kit, QtC tells me:
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> Cannot find the android build step.
>> >> >>> Error while building/deploying project XYZ (kit: Android for
>> >> >>> armeabi-v7a (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.7.0))
>> >> >>> When executing step "Deploy to Android device"
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> Tools->Options->Qbs seems to be setup correctly
>> >> >>> (cpp.toolchainInstallPath/Prefix points to my Android NDK toolchain)
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> I had a quick go at setting up the toolchain manually with
>> >> >>> qbs-setup-toolchain, but it refuses to detect the toolchain....
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> Anyway, your problem seems to be different since your associated Qbs
>> >> >>> profile look corrupted/missing.
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> Which platform are you building on?
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> On Linux, QtC profiles are stored under 
>> >> >>> $HOME/.config/QtProject/qtcreator/qbs
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> Whereas your "regular" qbs profiles are stored under
>> >> >>> $HOME/.config/QtProject/qbs/
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> Chris
>> >> >>
>> >> >>>
>> >>
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