On 06/09/2015 08:48 AM, Stefan Hajnoczi wrote:
> I guess my @redhat.com email was received directly from Max because I
> was in CC list.  It didn't pass through Mailman.  I saw the original,
> unmodified list of CCs with Kevin included.
> The @gmail.com email was received from the mailing list.  Mailman did
> what you described.

And that's what makes it so annoying.  Original recipients have the full
list, but later additions to the thread don't know who the original
recipients were, only that including the list in reply will also reach
the original recipients (albeit maybe not filtered into the right folder).

I have no idea if mailman has some tweakable setting that can change
this bad out-of-the-box default of munging cc's that so many lists use,
but even if it does, it requires a list admin to tweak the setting, for
each affected list.

> This means I cannot send "Please CC maintainer" emails anymore because
> I cannot be sure whether the maintainer was CCed!

Well, unless you know the maintainer is one of the people who does NOT
use the mailman setting of "don't send me duplicate mails" (sadly, we
have deduced that Kevin does use it, making it harder to tell if he is
aware of a thread).

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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