On 09/20/2016 04:36 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
>> Rather than completely throwing things away, would it be worth updating
>> the check.time file format to track multiple entries? For every distinct
>> args seen, track a timing for that combination of args, then when
>> starting a test, if a line in the file contains the current args, report
>> that old time; if not, then append a line with the new args.  The file
>> grows according to how many distinct args combinations you use, and it's
>> probably easier to make 'a b' and 'b a' report as different timings even
>> if they have the same effect and could share a timing.  We'd also want
>> an operation to clean out timings without running tests, particularly if
>> timings can otherwise grow huge due to every possible args combination.
>> What do you think?
> I was afraid someone would suggest a more complex scheme like that :-)
> I guess we could keep things simple by not inventing a new format,
> but instead of using 'check.time', use 'check.time.$FORMAT-$PROTOCOL'
> eg 'check.time.qcow2-file'

Seems more palatable. Lots of files rather than lots of lines in a
single file; searching is now fast (if you can come up with the right
file name, the OS does the searching for you rather than us having to
figure out which (if any) portion of a large file applies).  We may
still want a command for easily cleaning everything, and if we do switch
to new file names, we'll still want to clean up the old files.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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