On 10/18/2016 08:33 AM, Kevin Wolf wrote:

>> I have successfully converted NFS block driver to use this set of
>> runtime opts which I think is the required condition to add
>> blockdev-add compatibility later. Also, since I do not have 'port' as
>> a runtime option, I can directly add blockdev-add compatibility after
>> this through qapi/block-core.json and will not have to go through the
>> tricky method we are implementing for NBD and SSH as there will be no
>> use of InetSocketAddress. Right?
> Yes, InetSocketAddress is what makes things a bit tricky, and it doesn't
> seem to be useful with the API we get from libnfs, so just directly
> taking a host name should be okay. Then this one should be easier than
> SSH.
> Eric, do you agree, or do you think we should take into account that
> libnfs might be extended one day to work on any socket?

Ideally, we want the valid JSON for ssh to be a subset of the valid JSON
for either InetSocketAddress, or for a flat counterpart (what we did for
gluster).  I kind of like the flat counterpart idea.  Yes, that probably
means we need to create a new QAPI type (comparable to the existing
types, but omitting port), rather than being able to reuse one; but as
long as the parameters are spelled the same, backwards-compatibility
states that we can later add fields, and that any two structs with
identical fields can be merged into one struct without breaking
backwards compatibility.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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