Hi there,
reactivating this thread and also pushing it to the dev list to maybe receive a statement:

Is it somehow planned to include the BETA2007.gsb and the resulting changes into QGIS for 2.8 by default?

I received already some questions, cause now even german bureaucracy is waking up and tell users to switch to ETRS and transform the data from Gauss-Krueger. But for the majority of QGIS users, this will be rocket science if they even learn THAT they have to create custom CRS, change srs.db entries and do other wizardry.

So far, googling "QGIS" and "BETA2007" yields no results on any moves into this direction. But without, QGIS users in Germany will likely produce tons of trash data in the near future or already do so without knowing (me included till today).

Also see https://hub.qgis.org/issues/11347

... or is is not that critical as I believe it is?


Am 05.02.2014, 16:13 Uhr, schrieb Marco Hugentobler <marco.hugentob...@sourcepole.ch>:


Would it be possible to define a "Custom CRS" for the source CRS containing the
nadgrids-stuff for doing ntv2 transformation in QGIS 2.0.1?

Yes, it is possible to work with custom CRS (although it is not so convenient).

Is this already in 2.1?
If yes, where could one find it?

There is a dialog showing the available datum transformations. This dialog shows up as soon as a layer needs a datum transformation (e.g. if on-the-fly reprojection is toggled or when doing save as'). However, the ntv2 transformation info has to be inserted into srs.db / table datum_transform first.


On 05.02.2014 15:42, Robert Nuske wrote:
Hi Marco,

QGIS 2.2 will have support for NTv2 datum transformations as a core
Is this already in 2.1?
If yes, where could one find it?

Would it be possible to define a "Custom CRS" for the source CRS containing the
nadgrids-stuff for doing ntv2 transformation in QGIS 2.0.1?

For example GK3:
"+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=9 +k=1.000000 +x_0=3500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=bessel
+units=m +nadgrids=BETA2007.gsb +wktext"


On 05.02.2014 13:34, Burgstaller Stefan wrote:

is it already possible to reproject shape-files using NTv2 grids? I
was looking for appropriate plugins, help documents and already
available tools but I have not found anything. Since the federal
states in Germany start to convert their geospatial data from
Gauss-Kruger to ETRS89 with NTv2 grids this topic becomes more and
more urgent.


Stefan Burgstaller

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