
I think the grids of the major countries should be included in QGIS core. E.g. the german gsb file is only 87 kb. This could easily be distributed with QGIS core.

It is the duty of the local QGIS user groups to come up with a solution for their users - either by bundling it in QGIS core or through a plugin or good tutorial.

It would make the life much easier for the average user.


On 17.02.2015 17:33, Pedro Venâncio wrote:
Hi Bernd,

Here [0] we have an explanation of how the coordinate systems works in general, and in particular in QGIS. You also find solutions to use the NTv2 grids with QGIS. Unfortunately, the text is in portuguese, but perhaps Google Translate can help [1].

This is a way that each user must do individually. To make life easier for portuguese users, as we also have a lot of information that needs to be transformed to ETRS89, portuguese QGIS User Group developed the plugin that Giovanni told you [2], which greatly simplifies things, because it is integrated into Processing Toolbox and already provides the NTv2 grids.

As Giovanni said, if there is interest from other countries and if we can freely redistribute the NTv2 grids, we can expand the plugin.

Best regards,
Pedro Venâncio

[0] http://qgis.pt/blog/2014/07/13/transformacao-de-coordenadas-e-utilizacao-das-grelhas-ntv2-no-qgis/ [1] https://translate.google.pt/translate?sl=pt&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=pt-PT&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fqgis.pt%2Fblog%2F2014%2F07%2F13%2Ftransformacao-de-coordenadas-e-utilizacao-das-grelhas-ntv2-no-qgis%2F&edit-text=&act=url
[2] http://www.qgis.pt/plugins/plugins.xml

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