On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 4:21 AM, Richard Duivenvoorde
<rdmaili...@duif.net> wrote:
> On 19-09-16 08:55, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> we have an opportunity to become an early implementer or reference
>> implementer for WMTS 1.0. I think one of the companies around QGIS could
>> take this as an opportunity to increase commercial opportunities.
>> In case, please let us know.
> Hi Paolo,
> I'm also a little puzzled by our message :-)

Paolo forwarded a mail about that to me earlier - basically it was a
call from OGC to run their recently developed compliance tests for
WMTS with existing implementations and basically to help testing the

By helping out with OGC WMTS test suite, one can be recognized as a
reference implementation or be mentioned in their press release.

I am not sure if this applies to QGIS at all, those tests are for WMTS
server side. We have client WMTS support, but as far as I know there
is no WMTS support in QGIS server.

> We already had WMTS 1.0 in QGIS for a long time isn't it?

Yes :)

> I understand now from Luigi's reply that Martin added a lot of new
> stuff, and restructured a lot. But here in NL the free national WMTS
> services (aerials and topo) have been used a lot already.
> I added a comment on the https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/3473 about
> the native resolutions.
> Also wondering how this works with the tile scale slider.

I have added my comments to the pull request.

Note: the work I have done and the call that started this thread are
not related in any way...

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