
As an alternative on your side can't you set your email program to wrap the lines for you? Both my email programs do this automatically and all the emails that I have received from this list are fitted automatically to my window width which is great! If someone forces hard stops in a line as you suggest, then when the reader gets it and if his window doesn't match the width, he ends up getting some short cutoff lines which are a bit annoying :)


On Nov 26, 2004, at 10:37 AM, Malcolm Cadman wrote:


Certainly, we don't need all the PC bells and whistles (fastest DVD drives, terabytes of hard disk and so on), so a low end laptop would probably suffice with a fast QL or Q60 type board put into it. Production runs won't be that large, so perhaps buying up cheaper end of line laptops. The idea doesn't appeal to me personally, as QPC2 would be adequate for my needs, but I can see that what might amount to a laptop Q60 (name only used to illustrate the possibilities) might well appeal to some if the price was right. As I mentioned the Q60, if something like a redesigned Q60 was slotted into a cheapish laptop with floppy drive, CD-ROM, ser and par ports and built in screen, it might well fill the kind of machine you envisage.

Dilwyn ... any chance of setting your line width to 70 characters. ?

Like the above. When receiving your current emails they have long lines ...

Probably because you are mailing from a different portable PC ?

Malcolm Cadman
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