Marcel Kilgus writes:

> > Marcel: Presumably, there is no 36 character limit on www paths under
> > the TCP etc devices?
> Right, this is a character device.
> > So couldnt the DOS device (easily) be made to work the same under
> > TCP? Eg:
> No, DOS is a directory device.

I knew this was rubbish as I wrote it, but I was too tired to reformulate.

What I meant to ax was would it be difficult to make a 'hole' through QPC to
the Windoze file system via the TCP driver, so that when the driver
encounters a /dos/pathname/filename it wouldnt feel obliged to restrict
itself to the QL file name conventions? Having thought more carefully
through the matter, I realise that there doesnt seem to be much point in
doing this, as all it would achieve would be to allow us to browse our PC in
Lynx. Cant remember how this was done in uQLx.


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