Wolfgang Lenerz writes:

> Sorry  but A6,A5 does indeed point to the *end* of the command string at
> least when the job is invoked by EX it doesn't point to any data area

Yes, the documentation is a bit misleading here.

> Apart form that, I think we agree on the Ex mechanism.
> (...)
> >
> > QLib does, of course, know about the space taken up by the channels and
> > command string and so, if it likes, can scribble all over it. It cant
> > scribble over "my" area as, as far as it is concerned, that memory
> > doesnt belong to it.
> So a6,a5 would stay where it is.
> > I hope this clarifies matters. However, the point is moot at present,
> > since it seems that at a different solution is currently the favourite.
> Could you agree to it?

The only power a volunteer has in cases such as these is to give or to
withhold his work, so of course I agree ;)

But do you agree that the concept of stacking information on top of the
stack, as outlined invarious mails in recent days, is theoretically


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