On 14 Jan 2005 at 16:38, Marcel Kilgus wrote:

> Very well :-) I'm willing to contribute, perhaps in adapting the
> "clients".

yes!!!! QPAC2.

Does anybody have a valid email address for Thierry Godefroy. It would be 
nice to adapt FileInfo II, too.


> Even though it is my idea this probably needs more thinking. 
OK, no problem, I can always think (I think)....
Anyway, If I impelment it as as thing with a separate extention for the 
current dir, this should be OK.


> Shouldn't we just decide on a "suggested value" now instead of making
> it dynamic (things like configuration options can't be dynamic
> anyway)? Windows has a max path length of 260 characters for example
> (UNC names can actually be longer, but hardly anybody uses them for
> local files).

I don't mind either way.
> > set a default filename for a job with a certain name
> How do you know the job name? When using HOT_whatever, don't you just
> know the filename then?

The scheme I image is a bit longwinded, as follows:

The user sets up a prog on a Hotkey, using Hot_res or any oif the  hot_xxxx 
(I hope this word will not get this email censored) keywords.
The user presumably knows what the job will be called once it exists after 
having been executed from the hotkey.
he then tells the home thing that for a job of that name, the home dir should 
be yyyy. This can be done ONCE in the boot file.

Later he fires off the job with the hotkey (and I won't start changing the 
hotkey system!!!). The job interrogates the home thing to see what its dir 
is, by providing the home thing with its job ID. Of course, the home thing 
*should* reply that it doesn't have a home dir since the hotkey itself didn't 
register the job with the home thing. Instead of this, the home thing could 
get the job's filename (since it has the job ID, it can get at the jcb and 
from there the job name - in a way similar to the one I presume QPAC2 JOBS 
menu does it - the job name is supposed to lie a xxx bytes after the start of 
the job which lies xxx bytes after the jcb).
Then is checks whether a default haome dir has been set up for a job with 
this name.

This should work except for jobs whose name changes, e.g QD - but it probably 
doesn't change before the home thing is called!!!!)

This is longwinded, of course. The alternative is to change the hotkey 
routines.. I'm NOT sure I'll want to poke into there - also, the hotkey 
routines would have to be amended in such a way as to set up a repository for 
filenames itself. This seems to be double the work.

> > As usual, relatively few people have commented on this...
> Which sometimes can be a good thing ;-)




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