Laurence Reeves writes:

>P Witte wrote:
>> Quicksort is so much faster than any stable sort I know
>> of, even when "cheating", that its worth it  ;o)
> Yeah, yeah. I, of course, agree totally. I cheat /all/ the time.

Cheats I dont easily agree with are those that employ particular quirks of 
particular hardware or software that end up being a nightmare to debug or 
transfer years after the only programmer who ever understood it OD'ed on 

> I did get a bit carried away... and perused the current net thinking on
> sort algorithms, and it would seem that the ancient "mergesort" has a
> lot going for it.
> You add O(n) extra memory to extend the key and make "quicksort"
> effectively stable. This adds cost to key comparisons.
> With "mergesort", a similar O(n) extra memory /may/ be needed. However,
> and this is a /big/ however, the worst case (admittedly low probability)
> time for "quicksort" is O(n*n), whereas "mergesort" stays at
> O(n*ln(n))... indeed, its worst case is only twice as slow as its best 
> case.

To be frank, I dont understand my own implementation of quicksort in 
QUICKSORT anymore. Here are some timings (QPC2  - 1.2GHz PC)

FOR d% = 10000 TO 30000 STEP 10000
 DIM a%(d%), b%(d%)
 rem All data same
 t = DATE
 FOR i% = 1 TO 60
 rem Data already sorted
 MATFILL a%, 0, 1: REMark a%() => 0, 1, .. d%
 t = DATE
 FOR i% = 1 TO 60
 rem Random data
 FOR i% = 0 TO d%: a%(i%) = RND(0 TO d%)
 t = DATE
 FOR i% = 1 TO 60
  MATEQU b% TO a%: REMark b%() => a%()
 dt = DATE - t: PRINT dt,
 t = DATE
 FOR i% = 1 TO 60
  MATEQU b% TO a%: QUICKSORT a%; 1
 PRINT DATE - t - dt

Results (in seconds):

10      6       0       6
21      18      0       13
32      18      1       19

Doing something similar with strings ( dim a$(d%, 8) and
all strings used are 8 chars long) I get:

32      17      0       26      (10000)
68      38      1       56      (20000)

Thats pretty close to n*ln(n) for the worst case scenario? All data is 
sorted in place. Only pointers are stacked. No sentinels. Dont know how I 
did it, but it looks ok to me ;o)

> I said above that extra memory /may/ be needed, because it depends on
> how the data is held. There is /no/ extra memory (barring O(ln(n))) if
> the data starts off as a linked list. The algorithm is also highly
> effective if the data is stored on disc, etc, rather than in memory.
> Algorithm for "mergesort":
> If more than one element, split (arbitrarily) into two equal (or differ
> by one) chunks, recursively mergesort each, merge the two sorted chunks.
> 3767376
> split 376 7376
> split 3 76 7376
> split 3 7 6 7376
> merge 3 67 7376
> merge 367 7376
> split 367 73 76
> split 367 7 3 76
> merge 367 37 76
> split 367 37 7 6
> merge 367 37 67
> merge 367 3677
> merge 3366777

Nice! I used a version of mergesort to append a new sub-array to an already 
sorted array. Faster than inserting each new item individually. That was 
while I was still in the binary insertion sort era...

> And now... my fertile mind... what if the "split into two chunks"
> actually was the odd and even indices within the array? Curiously, this
> could be done as a SuperBasic slice. The merge operation becomes
> /horrible/, and I haven't thought it through at all (except that the
> worst case looks to be O(n*n)!), but the whole thing becomes (close to)
> in-place.
> PS. I always feel "shellsort" is magic.
> PPS. <> looks rather
> interesting.

I did a shellsort implementation, but it didnt do for me. In fact I wrote 
SuperBasic versions of most of the algorithms in Knuth's TAOCP. Only three 
of them made it to assembler. This one beats them all hands down.

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