Laurence Reeves writes;

> Tee hee. I couldn't resist knocking up a quick C program to compare
> quick/heap sorts.
> OK. So the random order - quicksort marginally outperforms heapsort. For
> the already sorted case, quicksort is rather better than heapsort, but
> its margin goes down as the count goes up. However, with the data all
> the same... ooopppsss.... my quicksort has fallen headlong into the
> O(n*n) trap.

On the other hand, in cases 'pre-sorted' and 'data all the same', a plain
binary insertion sort appears to outperform them both /considerably/ (just
tested). (However, with only a tiny degree of irregular data in an otherwise
pre-sorted or same data set, performance deteriorates rapidly.)

Conclusion: Quicksort is a great all-rounder. In cases where you have some
prior knowledge of the input data you could supplement that with a heapsort
or, if the sets are small and the data is relatively pure, a binary
insertion sort. I have also found that where tiny amounts of data (<= 10
elements) need to be sorted, a bubblesort is so simple to implement in just
a few lines of Basic, that its not worth bothering with anything else.

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