Laurence Reeves writes:

>P Witte wrote:
>> Laurence Reeves writes:
>>> P Witte wrote:
>>>> Quicksort is so much faster than any stable sort I know
>>>> of, even when "cheating", that its worth it  ;o)
>>> Yeah, yeah. I, of course, agree totally. I cheat /all/ the time.
>> Cheats I dont easily agree with are those that employ particular quirks
>> of
>> particular hardware or software that end up being a nightmare to debug or
>> transfer years after the only programmer who ever understood it OD'ed on
>> Jolt..
> Ah! I see. Like all my Minerva code...

It did occur to me ;o) although that is not what I mean. (Just go careful on
the Jolt, eh)

>>> I <ramble about tmings>
>> To be frank, I dont understand my own implementation of quicksort in
>> QUICKSORT anymore.
> 's funny... I don't understand most of my "clever" code.
>>  Here are some timings (QPC2  - 1.2GHz PC)
> <etc>
> NB. Filling with RND(0 TO d%) is a little skewed. Why should the range
> of values be the same as the population? I'd stick with RND(-32768 TO
> 32767), which /nearly/ avoids duplicates, or fill once with any set all
> differing (fiddly for strings), then O(n) shuffle each time.

Did that. Added to the given program:

.. etc
MATFILL a%, 0, 1: Shuffle a%
.. etc

By Shuffle I mean:
DEFine PROCedure Shuffle(array%)
LOCal i%, t%, r%
FOR i% = 0 TO DIMN(array%)
 r% = RND(0 to DIMN(array%))
 REMark Swap elements
 t% = array%(i%)
 array%(i%) = array%(r%)
 array%(r%) = t%
As you probably knew (but are too pedantic to admit ;o) there is no
difference to the result at this resolution. Perhaps when one gets into mega
sorts any differences really kick in..

>> I did a shellsort implementation, but it didnt do for me. In fact I wrote
>> SuperBasic versions of most of the algorithms in Knuth's TAOCP. Only
>> three
>> of them made it to assembler. This one beats them all hands down.
> Very true. My waffle about "mergesort" was a little "tongue-in-cheek",
> as it is actually almost always considerably slower than "quicksort".
> However, have a look at
> <>, especially the
> graph near the middle of the doc. I want one of those!
> NB. The "simeq" that appears in various places in the above page is, I
> feel, supposed to be "asymptotically equal to" which is "&#x2243;". It
> should maybe be "&sime;", but as the page doesn't even have a DOCTYPE,
> and is full of other html bugs, this didn't work in my SeaMonkey.

&sime; doesnt parse at all in IE7. Ive no idea what he means.

> Re your PS: the cases where "quicksort" goes all nasty, O(n*n), are
> non-trivial. In fact, "quicksort" is quite unusual, in that it sorts
> both initially correctly ordered data and /reverse/ order data in
> O(n*ln(n)). That's provided you go for the /third/ most trivial choice
> of median - the value at the middle of the list. The first and second
> most trivial choices - i.e. the first or last value - do give O(n*n).

Mine uses the median.

Following your links took me to Wikipedia and other wierd places. Great that
so much information, including complete algorithms in C and other languages
(as opposed to Knuth's idiosyncratic (but servicable!) notation) is
available so easily nowadays. I wish that were the case when I was trying to
work it all out!

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