Thanks for the link, I've stumbled upon that page already and it doesn't
for the beginner. For example, there is source but i haven't found a '
start here' section . As Phil Kett stated in an earlier email, I'm
willing to learn but 
have hit a wall. 

I shall just play around with the executables I have on my hard drive
and hope
it all becomes clear.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 21 February 2007 13:27 >>>

> under the C68 programming environment. Is there a Tutotorial on the
> subject?

There have been a coupls of 'introductions' to C68 in recent years.
None of them seemed to continue beyond the initial episode. Mind you, I
don't remember if this was intended to be a series (similar to say my
Assembly language or Herb's Graphics) in QL Toady, or not.

> Do i need to buy back issues of QL Toady or is there an idiots guide
> already out there? Also, Is there a fast way of checking what version
of C68 I

I don't think it is worth your while trying to buy back issues of QL
Toadt for a C68 Tutorial, but it might be very useful for other stuff !

I don't know/Can't remember how to find out the C68 version at present.
With all the Assembly I've been doing, my C68 skills, not that I had
many, are sadly slipping away ....

Dave Walker's web site is the best place to go for C68, he's at : 

And the latest version there seems to be 4.24f.


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