Gents, (Ladies?)

I just recently joined the list and wanted to shortly introduce myself...

I just recently browsed ye olde this' and thats in the basement and came 
across a box of my old QL stuff buried under 10 years of dust. I 
couldn't stand it for long and now he's back on the desk again: Sinclair 
QL, basically brand new (has been bought at that time as an occasion for 
next to nothing "just in case"), MGG, Sandy Q-Board and, after browsing 
the internet for what might have been left over from the QL community, 
now accompanied by a brand new QPC installation on my laptop. Still 
lurking in the box is a Miracle QXL board, which has long lost its 
fellow  PC with the ISA slots. Let's see if I can find a new replacement.

Please be warned: I might possibly pester you with questions on what has 
changed during my 10 years absence from "the scene" during the next 
weeks or so.

Something about my background: I earn a living from daily juggling with 
"real computers" with a big scandinavian mobile phone company (no, the 
other one) in Germany. When I used to be an active QL-er i was mainly 
interested in programming in 68k assembler and C, mostly for the pointer 
interface which was, as far as I remember, pretty new to the scene back 
then (One of my last software purchases for the QL was QPAC2, which was 
brand-new at that time)
What I'm basically interested in right now is how I can revive my old 
collection of software, most importantly Text87, which is by far the 
most expensive piece of my software collection. It just doesn't seem to 
like the QPC. Any hints on that, maybe?

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