> What I'm basically interested in right now is how I can revive my old 
> collection of software, most importantly Text87, which is by far the 
> most expensive piece of my software collection. It just doesn't seem
> like the QPC. Any hints on that, maybe?

This is one of the things I cant help with, as Im not a Text87 user. 
However, help is on its way, as this is a question that has been asked 
here a number of times before and, as far as Im aware, has been largely 

As its something thats been on my mind recently, there is one piece of 
advice I have for someone in your situation: While you have your QL up 
and running, if you havent already done so, backup any old microdrives 
and floppies to hard disk and CD/DVD as soon as possible!


backing up and securing all that I could find was one of the first
things I did when browsing through the stuff found. I must admit that I
was amazed how  many of the disks were still perfectly readable after
more than 10 years of gathering dust on the shelf (Only the cheaper
disks found were unreadable, .fortunately I had all my important
back-ups on high-quality disks.
 I have serious doubts whether modern, CD-ROM based systems could keep
the data for so long. I would never use CDs or DVDs for long-term
storage of important data.


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