In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, P Witte 


>Oh well, just backup your entire disk then, they will say. The problem
>is that by doing that you also back up a whole heap of totally
>unnecessary stuff, thereby creating extra work for you and a logistical
>nightmare, as each unnecessary KB of data you back up eats up your time,
>money and patience, and increases the chances of error, loosing stuff,
>missing stuff or just not bothering.
>In other words, if you take your data seriously you cannot leave it to
>anyone else to keep it safe and accessible.

You are right ... you have to make backups of the important - to you - 
stuff, which is the data files, not the application programmes.

I have just done this with data documents on one CD and digital images 
on another CD.  All relatively painless to do.

How long will the CD's last ? ... Well who really cares, as we are 
always shuffling data storage from one medium to another.

As long as we have the means to do so, then we remain in charge.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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