The long word containing the "hit" position  has "pos" in its top
word and "len" in its bottom word.

I hope that this will be of some help!


I was hoping that someone could explain the one specific issue, namely
that while the pointer is in an application window with no menu and
with pan/scroll bars, a different value is returned when keyboard is
used than when the mouse is used.  It's probably as simple as upper
word returns a key code (which doesn't have to be an event code at
all), while mouse returns 0 in the upper word. I'd just never noticed
this before and it's easy to deal with by masking out the upper word.

I assume that there is a menu in the application window (since there are scroll bars) but that the pointer is not on any of the items. If so what keypress is used and what mouse click would be used instead?

If the application window is set up with a select key, A, say. Then pressing A will set the pointer to the application window. Pressing A again will set the pointer to the scroll bar. Further presses of A will cause the pointer to switch successively between window and scroll bars. This gives exactly the same result as just moving the mouse to these spots. Presumably then this is not the keypress mentioned.

Of course, pressing SPACE or ENTER is equivalent to a left or right click of a mouse. Is this what causes a different result?

Anyway how do you have an application window with no items but with scroll bars?

Obviously I have misunderstood the problem!


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