On 2 Jan 2010 at 19:34, SMSQ - Jochen Merz wrote:

> Hi Sjef,
> hope are well, or at least health is improving.
> Any chance for another Eindhoven meeting this year?

I hope for a meeting end April and the beginning of October. I will try 
my best but it isn't sure yet.

> And - I got a few more reports from QL Today which have already
> arrived, Germany and even France. And, even the mail to Canada to Jim
> Hunkins arrived BEFORE Xmas.
> I guess the post services in Europe have cut down their services over
> the years and are not able to handle christmas post properly anymore.
> There does not seem to be any logic behind who's received it and who
> hasn't.

A few hours after my message QLToday arrived here.

> Oh, and, surprise, surprise, Deutsche Post has raised the postage for
> the magazine to any European destination except for Germany by "only"
> 13.33% as of yesterday. Well, somebody has to pay for the managers...
It's a shame but what can we do?

Once again all the best in 2010.

Sjef van de Molengraaf (secr. SIN_QL_AIR)
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