On 09/06/2010 20:17, Martin Wheatley wrote:

I came on this list a couple of days ago.  I was a QL user for
many years and a regular attender at the London group. Some
of you may even remember me
I stopped using the QL a number of years ago and moved
out of London.     In an idle moment I wondered what was
happening and rejoined the list.
The thing that is immediately worrying is that so far every one who
has posted is someone whose name I know.  If no one new
and active has come in during the last few years then the
big bell is tolling!


QL-Users Mailing List

Hi Martin,

It is good to see you contributing to the list and maybe we can persuade you to have a go on one of the emulators.

There are quite a few people who have come to the QL in the past couple of years - many of them as a result of my own website and purchasing second hand items offered by myself and/or Quanta.
Some are more active than others.

However, I have a mailing list of over 1000 QL users and it is rare that any of them ask to be removed from the list (please let me know if you would like to be added).

So, the market is not quite ready for the death knell.

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services


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