Evening all,

>>> SO are you content to see the QL disappear into oblivion
>>> OR are you going to do something about it?
Well, I write articles for QL Toady (for no payment by the way) and
hopefully, that helps keep the QL - in any shape or form alive.

I also have the http://qdosmsq.dunbar-it.co.uk website as a subdomain of
my business website to document the internals of QDOS and SMSQ. It too
is a Wiki and while a number of QL names have joined the Wiki - which
you don't actually have to do to read it - only myself and George Gwilt
have so far contributed.

This mailing list is probably the most frequently populated part of
QL-Dom - and even here goes deathly quiet at times.

My Articles in QL Toady are a mystery to me. Not that I don't know what
I'm writing (well, most of the time I do!) but the lack of feedback from
almost everyone in the entire world - I sometimes feel that I'm writing
for three people - Me, George and a chap called Hugh Rooms who called me
to task some time back and made a contribution to the Assembly series.

Every time I ask for feedback, the silence is deafening.

> When I have time I certainly hope to add to the QL Wiki. Perhaps I might
> even become a "main contributor"!
At the moment George, you are the main contributor to my Wiki as well.

>> So, I have to agree with John's comments - "are you content to see the
>> QL disappear into oblivion, OR are you going to do something about it?"
Well, I used to follow the ZX-81 and then the Spectrum and then the QL -
learning all that I could about these enigmatic little machines, but
lets face it, we are all very similar to those old codgers who keep old
steam railways alive. They too are getting fewer and fewer each year!

The QL is dying, but we are doing what we can to keep its little heart
beating as long as we possibly can. Without Marcel and QPC, I think it
would have bean dead in the water years ago.

Other opinions are available, of course, but they are wrong! ;-)

(That last bit was intended as a joke, no flames or replies necessary!)

One last point, no-one makes money from the QL any more do they? It's a
hobby now, that's all.

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