Interesting to hear Urs talking with Tony Tebby about the QCF card proposal, but the audio wasn't clear, I couldn't make out much of what he was saying, unfortunately.

Yes, unfortunately the acoustic wasn´t very good in this room and I used inly the intern micro. Urs talked only about the basic idea: There are many collectors/retro-fans, who buy QLs from ebay and have the problem, that they can´t use QL-programs downloaded from the internet on their machines (at least not in an easy way). So this QLs were collected but not used. Urs hardware would be an easy way to transfer files from the internet to a real QL. I will upload a new version of the video and will try to make the sound in this scene louder.

Would it be possible to add sub-titles if you do this? I really struggled to understand it with the rather pathetic speakers on my PC.

Dilwyn Jones

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