On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 8:27 AM, Tony Firshman <t...@firshman.co.uk> wrote:

> Plastic wrote, on 16/Feb/11 14:09 | Feb16:
> Fun, huh? :)
>>  It was particularly good fun with sH using similar decoding chips.
> Firstly we *knew* we could use three pins only to output the 8 bit keyrow.
> However Laurence then realised that the *same* three select lines could be
> used to read 8 separate input lines.  This saved us ten Pic pins!
> It actually was the reason for many extra functions (spare RS232, DCD,
> Turbo and keylock).  We simply wanted to fill all eight input lines!

I haven't ever owned a SuperHermes, but I have read the manual. It is a fine
piece of efficient and clever design, befitting the QL. Kudos to you and

It's just the sort of thing I'd like to build in due course... Though in
this day and age, supporting PS2 keyboards instead of the 5-pin DIN
keyboards might be the only worthy upgrade.

Any prospect, USBWiz thread, that the USB driver could support a USB class

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