On 23 Mar 2011, at 17:02, Rich Mellor wrote:

> On 23/03/2011 16:24, John Taylor wrote:
>> On 23 Mar 2011, at 15:08, gdgqler wrote:
>>>> The other issue I have come across in the past is when members have had to 
>>>> leave a meeting early, and then you are running a brief check to ensure 
>>>> that the meeting is still quorate!
>>> In that case the Chairman might say, like Magnusson, I've started so I'll 
>>> finish.
>>> George
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>>> QL-Users Mailing List
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>> The Charities Commission ruling on a member leaving the room is that the 
>> debate should continue, but voting must wait until the member returns.
>> John Taylor.
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>> QL-Users Mailing List
>> http://www.q-v-d.demon.co.uk/smsqe.htm
> Yes, that has always been my view - normally the articles of association for 
> a company stipulate that if a quorum is not present, then the meeting is 
> postponed for a week.
> Maybe we need something like this in the Quanta constitution, just in case...

My suggestions, sent to the Chairman of Quanta and the committee,  as to the 
change in Constitution cover just this very point.

Taken from another Constitution it allows the AGM eventually to take place 
whatever the original quorate position.

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