On 6 Apr 2011, at 12:26, Norman Dunbar wrote:

> Interesting in that the word is Greek and is pronounced Tee-chee. Tyche 
> is/was the goddess of [good] fortune. Also:
> http://www.goddess.com.au/goddesses/Tyche.htm says (amongst other stuff):
> Tyche (pronounced tee-chee) is the Greek goddess of fortune. Although she was 
> a daughter of Zeus, she was reputed to be quite irresponsible. She preferred 
> to run about juggling a ball than to carry the Cornucopia filled with golden 
> fruit, instead entrusting the task to her assistant Plutus. The first set of 
> dice were found in Tyche's temple perhaps indicating the capriciousness of 
> life and luck and the fickle manner in which she decided the fortunes of 
> mortals.

Tyche and Psyche are indeed both Greek words. I have never heard of Psyche 
being pronounced see key. It should be sigh key. Tyche is also, obviously, to 
be pronounced tie key (or Thai key if you like) but never Tee Chee.

The pronunciation that seems correct to me is in fact that given in Chambers 
Twentieth Century Dictionary.  This if course is published in Edinburgh 
(Scotland) and may thus be suspect to some(?).

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