Tony Firshman schrieb:

On Dec 15, at 14:17 | Dec15, Norman Dunbar wrote:

On 15/12/11 13:59, Geoff Wicks wrote:
The QL Today
team took up the challenge and I don't think we have ever done such a
quick proofread.
Is now a bad time to mention some errors then? ;-)

None for met ........ yet.
... unless German is not normally used for the month - "Dez" on the front cover.

Well, that was spotted, actually, and I corrected it, but forgot to save it and next time I started the program, I forgot to correct it again (the only explanation, as I remember having read and changed it).

Jochen - that is unfair of me.  You should see my German (8-)#

So let's see your German then ;-)

Cheers   Jochen

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