Tony Firshman wrote, on 29/Feb/12 06:42 | Feb29:
Tony Firshman wrote, on 29/Feb/12 06:38 | Feb29:

I managed to get to the main product page. This URL will save one L O N
G step:

A purchase of over £45 has zero carriage charge, so look for something
else to buy (one more Pi?).

They only allow one order, so look for batteries. They are very cheap if
bought in bulk!

Their website is still down! I have ordered one by phone (01772 654455 to beat the dreaded '08') for £21.60 plus VAT. They confirmed the website issue was due to demand, and they were even struggling with their intranet, which probably uses a similar database interface.
Nice headline - "Raspberries crash UKs largest distributor".

It will be interesting to see whether it is possible to port QDOS.
As it runs Linux, I guess UQLX will be the route.


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