Op Fri, 02 Mar 2012 08:24:57 +0100 schreef Norman Dunbar <nor...@dunbar-it.co.uk>:

The cost is £21.56 ish not including postage and the only places you can get one is from RS or Farnell.

There was an article in this mornings Dutch newspaper about the "Run on a chip and two usb ports on a little motherboard." They mention the stock was sold within minutes and state a price of 26 euro's. The Dutch branch (I didn't know there was one!) of RS Components was also flooded with requests. They expect to deliver new stock in a week.
The article was about a quarter tabloid page, with a picture.
Another one page article announced the opening today in Amsterdam of the first Apple Store of the Benelux.

An old QLer mentioned to me a Raspberry competitor: Maximite.
Not as powerful as the RPi but with a build in Basic and I/O ports, it can be bought as kit or ready built.
Check out the authors website: http://geoffg.net/maximite.html


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