Whilst I'm not denigrating it, all this publicity of development boards etc. is missing the concept of the Rpi, which is to just connect the necessary ancillaries and use it for program development by youngsters, not circuit design. They're already using SCRATCH I understand which is just for making things work on the screen by complex sprites; but it does get them planning things in detail, even if only a sort of film storyboard.

Bryan H

On 05/03/2012 04:27, John Alexander wrote:
My RaspberryPi is due the 12th according to Farnell.

Fedora is the community edition as it were where the technology that RedHat 
uses gets tested first!

I've already got a few bits of hardware ready an Arduino clone for I/O 
expansion called a Piduino and a MoPi which is an out and out dev board for the 



Take alook at the video shown at the Last Shropshire Linux user Group (SLUG) on 
PCB manufacture


John A

--- On Mon, 5/3/12, Norman Dunbar<nor...@dunbar-it.co.uk>  wrote:

From: Norman Dunbar<nor...@dunbar-it.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] RaspberryPi
To: ql-us...@q-v-d.com
Date: Monday, 5 March, 2012, 11:59

Morning Malcolm,

I thought that you would one the first 'Rpi" owners ... :-)
No, I'm afraid not. There are 10,000 lucky owners but I'm not one of them. I 
need my sleep too much to be setting alarms to get up at 05:45!

I have not heard of Fedora Linux ... though I guess it not a hat?
Close, very close. Red Hat is, if you like, the parent company, They produce 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux but used to produce a community version called Red Hat 
Linux. They stick to RHEL these days and are (or are about to be) the first 
open source company to break the $1 billion income mark. They charge for 
support and give the product away for free.

Fedora is the community version - Red Hat Linux as was. New stuff usually hits 
Fedora first before it rolls out in RHEL.

Both are, indeed, hat related!

Of course, it you ned or want an enterprise level Linux for free, you simply 
get Centos or Scientific Linux which are RHEL with the Red Hat badges removed. 
It's all legal under the terms of the license.

Development tools ... yes, but what actual software or 'apps' are
already around to make it immediately usable?
Too much to mention. When you install a Linux "distro" you get tens of 
thousands of apps thrown in for free and there are many more that may not be included in 
the distro, but are available elsewhere.

CAD tools, compilers for just about every language under the sun, development 
environments, games, science stuff, astronomy, games, deocumentation tools, DVD 
players, CD players, MP3, Video editing, sound recording&  editing, text 
editors, whole office suites,  - everything.

Compare with Windows and Minsweeper or Solitare! ;-)

I specialised in control and electronics and all the 'new technology'
stuff, so was always being creative.
I put together a 555 timer in astable mode this weekend on a breadboard looking 
for a square wave generator. I wanted to use it to switch on another circuit, 
then off again at regular intervals. How hard could it be? I got an always on 
LED! Sigh! It's far simpler with Arduino!

Schools have mirrored and followed almost exactly all of the previous
mistakes that industry first followed.
Have they mirrored or have they been pushed in that direction by politicians 
and other do-gooders with an agenda?


-- Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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